Marc Nagtzaam/gerlach en koop/Hans Demeulenaere/Uta Eisenreich/Geert Goiris/
Nick Geboers/Karin Herwegh/Henri Jacobs
For this project, Fred&Ferry Gallery has invited artists Marc Nagtzaam and Bart Lodewijks to put together a program with us. They have worked enthusiastically with both artists many times in the past—a collaboration that extends beyond the gallery's borders. In addition, both Lodewijks and Nagtzaam maintain a close relationship with ROMA Publications, where they regularly publish.
The exhibition project is set up as a diptych. The first part is provided by Marc Nagtzaam.
Fred&Ferry Gallery, Antwerp(B)
opening 22/02/2025
photography Katrin Kamrau

Erntedankfest « Joyeuses moissons »
Meryem Bayram & Hans Demeulenaere/Pierre Bismuth/Claude Closky/Vaast Colson/Philippe
De Gobert/David de Tscharner/Dialogist-Kantor/Peter Downsbrough/Sam Druant/Lise Duclaux/Michel François/Ana Jotta & Pierre Leguillon/Hamer Körmeling/John Körmeling/
Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux/Adrien Lucca/Jacqueline Mesmaeker/Ria Pacquée/Manfred Pernice/
Laure Prouvost/Stephanie Rizaj/Anne-Marie Schneider/Joëlle Tuerlinckx/Sietske Van Aerde/
Martien van Mens/Ken Verhoeven/Oriol Vilanova/Elsa Werth/Yue Yuan
presentation of editions, multiples and artist publications in collaboration with the Brussels organisation JAP (Jeunesse et Arts Plastiques)
LLS Paleis,Antwerp (B)
opening 23/11/2024 3PM
Unfolded Structures of Exchange
Hans Demeulenaere/Nikolaas Demoen/Marc Nagtzaam
presentation of a new publication by Roma Publications
A red rectangular frame that is part of an installation by Hans Demeulenaere at the exhibition One way or another, 10 years of Posture Editions in S.M.A.K. (30.10 - 28.11.2021) remains behind in the museum due to the artist's forgetfulness.
This absent-mindedness forms the starting point for the exhibition Unfolding Structures of Exchange. What happens when three artists exchange this red nomadic frame among themselves and shape it to their sculptural, drawing, and choreographic hand?
The exhibition is formed around a long folded paravent and is a mirror of the folded leporello with the same title, published by Roma Publications.
This book is presented at the opening of the exhibition. On the occasion of the exhibition, the artists each made an artist's edition in 20 copies.
KIOSK, Ghent (B)
opening 23/11/2024 3PM

Cut Down Build Up
Hans Demeulenaere/Thierry Lagrange/Dimitri Vangrunderbeek
presentation of a new publication by MER. Books, Art imprint of Borgerhoff & Lamberigts
Cut Down Build Up explores a creative process between two visual artists and an architect, focusing on the relation between abstraction and architecture. Rather than taking a traditional academic approach, these three creators engage in an iterative process of anticipation, reaction, and creation.
They exchange ideas and works, leading to three unique explorative and productive dialogues.
Abstraction, a common concept in visual arts, is less frequently associated with architecture. The interactions between the artists (Dimitri Vangrunderbeek and Hans Demeulenaere) and the architect (Thierry Lagrange) result in new spatial insights and deepen the understanding of abstraction. These insights are embedded in the creations themselves and in the dynamic exchanges between the participants.
The book and its dialogues are an invitation towards the viewer to fully experience and appreciate the handling of abstraction within the context of architecture and visual arts.
Convent, Ghent (B)
opening 15/11/ 2024 8PM
15/11/2024– 24/11/2024

A Good Circle Makes A Good Square
Hans Demeulenaere & Samyra Moumouh
presentation of a new publication
Hans Demeulenaere and Samya Moumouh have developed a new project, invited by Radicale 1924, in Saint-Cirq-Lapopie, resulting in fourteen unique objects and an artist's book. These pieces, reminiscent of Donald Judd's specific objects, are difficult to classify solely as sculptures or design objects. Each object is carefully crafted from green water-resistant particle board and consistently showcases the shapes of a circle and a square. The designs are inspired by various types of furniture, including chairs, stools, tables, and pedestals. They draw from the work of several notable creators, including architects, artists, and interior designers. Among the sources of inspiration are Gerrit Rietveld's iconic side table, a piece by Manfred Pernice, and a work by Constantin Brancusi.
The publication ‘A Good Circle Makes A Good Square’ provides detailed drawings, dimensions, instructions, and guidelines for fourteen designs by Samyra Moumouh and Hans Demeulenaere. This allows readers to re-create each design independently. The book is divided into two main sections. The first section features axonometric drawings of each object, and the second section provides an extensive and detailed list of all required components so that each design can be executed with 18 mm panel material.
The authors present the designs as clearly and comprehensibly as possible without fully switching to classical technical drawings. This maintains a certain level of abstraction in the presentations, which may require readers to make interpretative choices when assembling the designs. Additionally, Pierre Martin Vielcazat has visually translated each design. He achieved this by combining all parts of each design into a "totem".
Zonder Titel/Sans Titre, Ghent(B)
opening 06/10/2024
Kasteellaan 445A/9000 Gent

Adriaan Verwée/Roeland Tweelinckx/Frederic Geurts/Geert Vanoorlé/Feiko Beckers/Leen Van Tichelen/Olivia de Hasque/Alice Vanderschoot/Filip Vervaet/Lili Dujourie/Willem Boel/ Henk Delabie/ Hans Demeulenaere/Leon Vranken
curator Henk Delabie
Kunstenhuis, Harelbeke(B)
opening 12/09/2024

Radicale1924 at Maisons André Breton - Emile Joseph Rignault
Georges Adéagbo/Carlos Aires/Jolijn Baekelandt/Nienke Baeckelandt/Pierre Bismuth/ Guillaume Bijl/Pierre Martin Vielcazat/Cédric Fargues/Michel François/Corentin Canesson/
Elias Cafmeyer/Shulea Cheang/Jordi Colomer/ Luc Deleu/Hans Demeulenaere/Jack Davey/
Regan Elena/Juli Susin/Idris Sevenans/Samyra Moumouh/Siham Mehaimzi/Simona Mihaela Stoia/Mikes Poppe/Ria Pacquée/Véronique Bourgoin/Nicolas Bourthoumieux/Stéphanie Lagarde/Thomas Rodriguez & Archive Furkablick Furkart/Hantraxsdolls/Yi Zhang/Zena Van den Block/Pieter Van der Schaaf/A.L. Steiner/Agence Future/Wim Wauman
with a collaboration between Hans Demeulenaere, Samyra Moumouh & Pierre Martin Vielcazat
On the occasion of the centenary celebration of the publication of the Surrealist Manifesto, it seems essential that Radicale1924 continues the village's legacy as an artists' village, demonstrating its commitment to encouraging artistic exploration andcollaboration. The 100th anniversary of André Breton’s First Surrealist Manifesto, published in 1924, offers us an exceptional opportunity to revisit surrealism in the light of our times. Collaborating with the avant-garde becomes a way to question cultural history and explore creative methods that combine research and practice to be both disruptive and propositional. Over three years, "Radicale 1924” hosted 35 international artists and writers in residence at Maison Routier, offering a series of public events. This final celebration in Maison Andre Breton is presented as a collection of original works from Radicale1924 in dialogue with previously unseen works and documents from the private and public collections of our artistic advisors. It is a multidisciplinary artistic event that integrates itself into the unique topography of the village of Saint-Cirq-Lapopie.
curator Chantal Yzerman (Radicale1924)
Maisons André Breton - Emile Joseph Rignault
Saint Cirq Lapopie (FR)
opening 28/09/2024

Radical1924 at Maisons Daura
Jolijn Baeckelandt/Nienke Baeckelandt/Hans Demeulenaere & Samyra Moumouh/Stéphanie Lagarde/Simon Masschelein/Simona Mihaela Stoia/Ria Pacquée/Idris Sevenans/Pieter
Van der Schaaf/Yi Zhang
curator Chantal Yzerman (Radicale1924)
Maisons Daura/Résidence d’artiste International Le Bourg
Saint Cirq Lapopie (FR)

Land In / Land Out
Lucia Bru/Hans Demeulenaere/Edith Dekyndt/Stef Driesen/Nathalie Du Pasquier/Serena Fineschi/Tina Gillen/Marco Neri/Hans Op de Beeck/Luca Pancrazzi/Alessandro Scarabello/ Serse/Pieter Vermeersch/Laura Viale/Luca Vitone/Sophie Whettnall
curator MODO asbl and Francesca Sborgi
LAND IN / LAND OUT is an upcoming exhibition at the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, seeking to bridge Italian and Belgian cultures through landscape interpretation. Contemporary artists challenge traditional notions of the genre, dissolving visual boundaries between inside and outside, self and other. Using the 16:9 smartphone format, sixteen artists will create intimate works, aiming to reignite the viewer's connection with art and explore the vibrancy of the space between artwork and observer.
Each pair of contemporary artists - selected for formal affinity or research - will be placed in dialogue with one of the works present in the permanent collection of the Uffizi Gallery, creating a kind of diffused path. A new geography, a map within the map inside the museum, dedicated to the visual experience. For the artists involved and the observer, the masterpiece, therefore, becomes a device to activate a reflection on how the landscape could be contemplated in contemporary times. The “portion of earth and sky”, that is defined as landscape, is in constant transformation and so is the individual who, over the centuries, continues to observe it in a process of inevitable osmosis between man and nature.
Uffizi Galleries, Florence (I)

Les Mouchoirs de Poche
Ad van Campenhout/Amber Meulenijzer/Carina Diepens/Celine Aernoudt/Charlotte Vandenbroucke/Dieter Durinck/Dries Peeters/Dries Van Laethem/Elisa Raciti/Gerard Herman/Gustave Demoen/Guy Rombouts/Hans Demeulenaere/Jakob Van den Broecke/
Jonas Apers/Judith Herman/Kasper De Vos/Klaas Vanhee/Krista De Mulder/Laurence Decraene/Leonie Beuysse/Lisa Vantorre/Louise Degraeve/Lukas De Clerck/Nikolaas DeDemoen/Olga Dhaene/ Oona Libens/Patrick Meulenijzer/Pomme Van Laer/Ruben Pauwels/Stan Auwers/Stefan Clappaert/Veva Leye
initiator Gustave Demoen
scenographyv Joris Kerremans
33 artists are invited to design a handkerchief, with each participant starting from their own artistic practice and personal relationship with the object. After all, each participating artist invariably wears a cloth handkerchief.
A Posture Pocket N°4 with more information about the artists, artworks and the history of the cloth handkerchief will also appear in the frame of the exhibition, published by Posture Editions.
Convent, Ghent (B)

Carlos Aires/Georges Adéagbo/Guillaume Bijl/Nicolas Bourthoumieux/Jolijn Baeckelandt/ Nienke Baeckelandt/Elias Cafmeyer/Jack Davey/Luc Deleu/Maarten Enghien/Hans Demeulenaere & Samyra Moumouh/Cédric Fargues/Stephanie Lagarde/Simon Masschelein/
Siham Mehaimzi/Simona Michaela Stoia/Idris Sevenans/Coach Hantrax/Ria Pacquée/Mikes Poppe/Fran Van Coppenolle/Pieter Van der Schaaf/Zena Van Den Block/Wim Wauman/Kim Wey/Yi Zhang
curator Chantal Yzerman
In the enchanting village of Saint-Cirq-Lapopie, the dynamic artistic initiative has taken root: Radicale1924. Founded in 2021 by Belgian artist Chantal Yzermans, Radicale1924 pays tribute to the contemporary expansion and reinterpretation of Surrealism.
Saint-Cirq-Lapopie has inspired artists for generations including luminaries such as Henri Martin and Pierre Daura. Notably, Elise and André Breton frequented the village during the late 1940s, hosting artists and friends alike. Radicale1924 perpetuates this legacy of hosting, evoking the past in its contemporary cultivation of artistic exchanges.
Whilst paying homage to the history and medieval village of Saint-Cirq-Lapopie, the annual Parade, The Public Event seeks to rekindle the artistic engagement that once existed. This August, Saint-Cirq-Lapopie will once again transform into a stage as Parade, The Public Event serves as a vibrant testament to the convergence of artistic expression and community. By gathering artists whose works radiate playfulness, sensory exploration, performance and poetry, Radicale1924 aspires to engage with our tumultuous reality.
the Bourg of Saint Cirq Lapopie (FR)
public event 24 & 25/08/2023

Incomplete Neighbor
Hans Demeulenaere & Raffaella Crispino
curator Tal Bechler
Petach Tikva Museum of Art, Tel Aviv (IL)
photography Elad Sarig

Sound & Synergy x Incomplete Neighbor
Hans Demeulenaere & Raffaella Crispino
Onomatopee, Eindhoven (N)

Het Kabinet van de Conservator // The Studio of the Artist
Johan van Geluwe & Hans Demeulenaere
BE-PART extra muros, Henri Lebbestraat, Waregem (B)
in collaboration with Stichting Johan van Geluwe
photography Dieter Van Caneghem

Esther Cornelis/Gilles Dedecker/Hans Demeulenaere/Tramaine De Senna/Kasper De Vos/
Eva Dinneweth/Peter Lagast/Els Lesage/William Ludwig Lutgens/Natasja Mabesoone/
Hilde Overbergh/Juan Pablo Plazas/Ellen Pil /Thomas Renwart/Alice Vanderschoot/
Leen Vandorpe
curator Alice Vanderschoot
with a collaboration between Juan Pablo Plazas & Hans Demeulenaere
Poortersloge, Bruges(B)
photography by vandenbussche-vandenbossche

Carlos Aires/Guillaume Bijl/Cedric Fargues/Luc Deleu/Stéphanie Lagarde/Samyra Moumouh/ Siham Mehaimzi/Mikes Poppe/Ria Pacquée/Pieter van der Schaaf/Idris Sevenans/A.L. Steiner/ Hans Demeulenaere/Nienke Baeckelandt/Agence Future/Georges Adéagbo/Elias Cafmeyer/ Olga Fedorova/Simona Mihaela Stoia/Nicolas Bourthoumieux/Zena Van de Block/Yi Zhang/ Julien Berthier
curator Chantal Yzerman
The public event represents a moment of celebration where we share artistic interventions in the village, in the streets, the surrounding nature, in the houses of the neighbors, at La Maison Rignault and La Maison André Breton, The Nightshop and the church of Saint Cirq Lapopie.
the Bourg of Saint Cirq Lapopie (FR)
public event 8 & 9/09/2022

Hans Demeulenaere & Samyra Moumouh
Edward Krasinski/Bleu Line/Displacement, video 9:55 min
galerie — EL // 20 YEARS - JAAR - ANS
Albert Pepermans/Dirk Verhaegen/Werner Cuvelier/Johan De Wilde/Rik De Boe/
Raf Buedts/Paul Gees/Freddy Van Parys/Jo De Smedt/Robin Vermeersch/
Stefaan Vermuyten/Nikolaas De Moen/Hans Demeulenaere/Reinhard Doubrawa/
Dirk Slootmaekers/ Carlos Caballero/Griet van De Velde/Frank Depoorter/Greet Billet/
KurtRyslavy/Elke Van Kerkvoorde/Frank JMA Castelyns/Cléo Totti/Nienke Fransen/
Steven Baelen/Denis Pondruel/Francis Denys/Denitsa Todorova/Christian Van Haesendonck/
Luc Claus/Lucie Renneboog/Catherine Claeyé/Maen Florin/Jan De Nys/Norman Dilworth/
John Van Oers/Hedwig Brouckaert/Johannes Steendam/Eric De Smet/Kasper Bosmans/
Dan Van Severen/Ante Timmermans
Galerie EL, Welle (B)

Rhapsody in Blue
Hedwig Brouckaert/Johan Creten/Hans Demeulenaere & Samyra Moumouh/
Hadassah Emmerich/Deogracias Kihalu/Thomas Lerooy/Maaike Leyn/Sadie Murdoch/
Hans Op de Beeck/Sharon Van Overmeiren/Sarah Yu Zeebroek
curator Isolde De Buck
Villa Zephyr, Westende (B)

One way or another
10 year Posture Editions
One way or another is an exhibition of work by the 42 artists with whom Posture Editions have made a book over the past 10 years. This independent publisher of artists’ books, founded in 2011, has now published 47 books in A4 format. The publication series has been able to grow thanks to the enthusiasm of many artists, writers, museums, curators and readers.
SMAK, Ghent (B)

Hans Demeulenaere
new work with Raffaella Crispino/Emi Kodama/Ine Meganck/Leroy Meyer/Samyra
Moumouh/Marc Nagtzaam/Bas van den Hurk/Jochem van Laarhoven/Kris Van Dessel/
Dimitri Vangrunderbeek/Klaas Vanhee/Karel Verhoeven
De Garage, Mechelen (B)
photography by We Document Art
Soft Fold
Hans Demeulenaere & Dimitri Vangrunderbeek
in collaboration with Emergent
FRED&FERRY gallery, Antwerp (B)
photography by Pieter Huybrechts

objects trouvés - verloren voorwerpen
019/Jaques Charlier/Hans Demeulenaere & Dimitri Vangrunderbeek/Daniël Dewaele/
Goele De Bruyn/Thomas l'Anson/Bart Lodewijks/Hannah Mevis/Jeancy Nsumbu/
Chloë Op de Beeck/Leander Schönweger/Ingel Vaikla/Kris Van Dessel/
Stijn Van Dorpe/Benjamin Verhoeven
curator Bert Puype in collaboration with Nowhere Collective
Timmermansstraat 7, Bruges (B)
07/03/2020-29/03/2020 (cancelled before the end of the exhibition)
opening 07/03/2020 14h

Cornerspace - Cornerplace
Hans Demeulenaere & Dimitri Vangrunderbeek
CC De Schakel, Waregem (B)
28/02/2020-29/03/2020 (cancelled before the end of the exhibition)
detail of Sylvette, a video made by Dimitri Vangrunderbeek & Hans Demeulenaere

Never Relaxed, Never Relaxed, Never Relaxed
solo show
Galerie EL, Welle (B)
project initiated by Henk Delabie with
Leyla Aydoslu/Raphaël Buedts/Mario De Brabandere/Alice De Mont/Hans Demeulenaere/ Nicolás Lamas/Nadia Naveau/Filip Verreyke
BAD fair, Floraliënhal Ghent (B)

We Are What We Are N°0 The Poster Show
Joost Bos & Roy Terhorst/Maarten Derous/Lieselot Hoedt/Tjobo Kho/Ferre Marnef/
Pierre Martin Vielcazat & Hans Demeulenaere/Leroy Meyer/Amina Saâdi/Victor Sirot/
Joud Toamah/Carolina Valente Pinto/Lennart Van den Bossche/Margot Vanhassel/
Victor Van Wassenhove/Simon Van Weereld/Jolien Wallenus
curator Hans Demeulenaere
De Tank, Brugge (B)
15/03/2019 20h-23h

Set Pieces
Hans Demeulenaere & Marc Nagtzaam
Krasj 4
curators Rik De Boe/Reinhard Doubrawa/Johan De Wilde
Garage Neven, Ninove (B)

Élever Tout le Vieux Brol and Many More
And Many More
Krasj 4
curators Rik De Boe/Reinhard Doubrawa/Johan De Wilde
RTT-gebouw, Ninove (B)

There is Nothing Connected, Nothing Distinct
Esther Venrooy & Hans Demeulenaere
Onomatopee, Eindhoven (N)

Open Studio Rein Dufait
Rein Dufait with Hans Demeulenaere/John Wallbank/Maria Zahle
Biekorfstraat Loods G18, Oostende (B)
in collaboration with Sofie Van de Velde, Antwerp (B) & Arcade Gallery, London (UK)

(Als) Tekens in de Ruimte
with Joachim Coucke/Hans Demeulenaere/Erika Hock/Marc Nagtzaam/Regis Perray/
Sarah & Charles
curator Roxane Baeyens
Emergent, Veurne (B)
photography by Alexandra Colmenares Cossio

Borrowed Space
Hans Demeulenaere & Marc Nagtzaam
Emergent, Veurne (B)
photography by Alexandra Colmenares Cossio

Tom, Jerry And Many More
Etcetara V
with Filip Anthonissen/Ruben Bellinkx/Leo Copers/Jason Dee/Deborah De Robertis/
Anja Dornieden & Juan David González Monroy/Anna Godzina & Lin Gerritse/Lien Hüwels/
Siebert Mispelon & Ines Bodlovic/Mathias Mu & Stef Van Looveren/Tom, Jerry & Many More/ Bruce Nauman/Maria Lassnig/Clara Lissens/Emilio López-Menchero/Bence Rohánsky/
Yonas Seyoum/Janes Zeghers
SMAK, Ghent (B)
16/11/2017 from 18h till 24h

with Karel Breugelmans/Koba De Meutter/Henk Delabie/Nikolaas Demoen/
Hans Demeulenaere/Paul Gees/Gauthier Oushoorn/Roeland Tweelinckx/John Van Oers/
Dimitri Vangrunderbeek/Adriaan Verwee/Dirk Zoete
curator Paul Gees
Hof ter Saksen, Beveren (B)
conversation (Dutch) between Dimitri Vangrunderbeek and Hans Demeulenaere for the publication made for Le Nouvel Observateur (link to publication)
What We Can Use, What We Can’t Move
in collaboration with Raffaella Crispino
curators Laura Viale and Mariaelena Minuto
Instituto Italiano di Cultura, Brussels (B)
5 Years IK
IK Foundation invited three young curators Melchior Jaspers, Nick Terra and Menno Vuister to compile an exhibition with works by all 24 guest artists who stayed at IK island since the start of IK in 2008.
Stichting IK, Vlissingen (N)

Furniture. Sculpture.
with Nel Aerts/Atelier Pica Pica/Hans Demeulenaere/Stefaan Dheedene/Pieter Engels/
gerlach en koop/Vedran Kopljar/Jacques Lizène/Erwan Mahéo/pelican avenue/
Helgi Thorsson/Dennis Tyfus/Michael Van den Abeele/Herman Van Ingelgem/
Elise Van Mourik/Frederik Van Simaey/Henk Visch/Leen Voet/Franz West
Hugo Voeten Art Center, Herentals (B)

You make a better door than you do a window
in collaboration with Emi Kodama
Beursschouwburg, Brussels (B)
You make a better door than you do a window: a collection of rooms,
in a collaboration with Emi Kodama
Performance during Art’s Birthday
M HKA, Antwerp (B)

The Gathering of Characters and Forms - The Final Chapter
with Joachim Coucke/Hans Demeulenaere/Alice De Mont/Benjamin Verhoeven
curator Roxane Baeyens

in collaboration with Bas van den Hurk
Loods 12, Wetteren (B)
P/////AKT, Amsterdam (N)
14/06/2015 – 12/07/2015
with Hans Demeulenaere/Marc Nagtzaam/Herman Van Ingelgem
Millington Marriott, London (UK)
Some Objects, Eight Sculptures, Several Frames, One Video and a Book
Mu.ZEE, Oostende (B)

Raffaella Crispino & Hans Demeulenaere
edition of 500 copies
132 pages
design by Pierre Martin Vielcazat
with text by Tal Bechler
photography Raffaella Crispino & Dieter Van Caneghem
Onomatopee 240
Raffaella Crispino & Hans Demeulenaere
A new edition of 13 original fabrics are made on the occasion of the exhibition and the publication Incomplete Neighbor.
Het Kabinet van de Conservator // The Studio of the Artist
Johan van Geluwe & Hans Demeulenaere
Published by Hans Demeulenaere - in close cooperation with the Johan Van Geluwe Foundation - on the occasion of the exhibition
Het Kabinet van de Conservator // The Studio of the Artist,
BE-PART extra muros Waregem (B)
edition of 600 copies
84 pages
with text in English and Dutch by Hans Demeulenaere, Emi Kodama and Karel Wuytack
design Leroy Meyer
photography Dieter Van Caneghem

bear ... hair
hair ... heir
heir ... affair
affair ... stare
stare ... declare
declare ... beware
beware ... repair
repair ... swear
swear ... prepare
prepare ... tare
tare ... pair
pair ... spare
spare ... care
care ... compare
compare ... pear
pear ... claire
claire ... wear
wear ... eclair
eclair ... dare
dare ... prefer
prefer ... aware
aware ... glare
glare ... square
flair ... bare
bare ... fair
fair ... chair
Hans Demeulenaere & Juan Pablo Plazas
Hans Demeulenaere & Kris Van Dessel
limited edition of 20 + 5 AP
A collaborative project by Hans Demeulenaere and Kris Van Dessel following the exchange of artworks by both artists.
1 template (acrylic glass, 21 x 29.7 cm)
1 booklet (Dutch)
1 transparent bag
Hans Demeulenaere
Leroy Meyer
Samyra Moumouh
Published by Hans Demeulenaere on the occasion of the exhibition Doppelganger, De Garage, Mechelen (B)
edition of 50 copies
48 pages
included 3 silkprints
printed on the publication Acht Interventies by Hans Demeulenaere, published by MER. in 2011
Hans Demeulenaere
Over the course of one year, Hans Demeulenaere created a series of different objects and small sculptures in his studio. In this artist book he poses a few pressing questions. What is the status of his work and the space in which it finds itself? And what is the impact on our perception if we remove the objects from its physical surroundings?
Published by Hans Demeulenaere on the occasion of the exhibition Doppelganger, De Garage, Mechelen (B)
edition of 350 copies
120 pages
design Pierre Martin Vielcazat
photography Hans Demeulenaere & Katrin Kamrau
text dutch Hilde Borgermans
translation english Emi Kodama

Hans Demeulenaere & Dimitri Vangrunderbeek
limited edition of 40 copies + 5 AP
printed by Dunant Print
silkscreen printed cover
146 pages
design Leroy Meyer
W hole
Hans Demeulenaere & Meryem Bayram
limited edition of 5
For years artists Meryem Bayram and Hans Demeulenaere have been working with the posibilities of space. ‘W hole’ is their first collaboration. Starting point was their shared fascination for objects and their relation to their environment. During a six week residency at Frans Masereel Centrum and a two week residency by Bayram at workspacebrussels, the artists collected various objects with holes, ranging from a chair to a piece of jute webbing. With the intention of bringing them together in an artist book, a whole.
Demeulenaere worked with 26 ‘punctured’ objects and their silhouettes. Experiments in the silk screen studio resulted in a play between figuration and abstraction common in his work. Demeulenaere likes to question our perception by isolating objects from their context. So does Bayram, albeit in a different ways. She researches the performative qualities of objects in motion and their relationship to human beings.
An artist book thus becomes the possible point of departure for a performance, an instrument or script that she or other artists can work with.
Originally it was Bayram and Demeulenaere’s intention to make a book together, but they quickly found that to be an uninteresting approach. It felt more natural to work on their own terms and then combine the results. The outcome is a beautiful artist edition in two parts.

An Idiot's End
Hans Demeulenaere
will be presented a first time on the exhibition Never Relaxed, Never Relaxed, Never Relaxed at Galerie EL, Welle (B)
limited edition of 30 copies
5 of the 30 copies will be part of the edition 'W hole', created in collaboration with Meryem Bayram
riso printing by Quintal Editions, Paris (F)
108 pages
design Pierre Martin Vielcazat & Hans Demeulenaere

There is Nothing Connected, Nothing Distinct
Hans Demeulenaere & Esther Venrooy
published on the occasion of the exhibition There is Nothing Connected, Nothing Distinct at Onomatopee
limited edition of 10 copies
37 pages
text Volkmar Mühleis
design Carolina Valente Pinto

Borrowed Space
Hans Demeulenaere & Marc Nagtzaam
published on the occasion of the exhibition Borrowed Space at Emergent, Veurne (B)
edition of 300
58 pages
design Hans Demeulenaere & Marc Nagtzaam

Minja in the Zoo
Hans Demeulenaere & Klaas Vanhee
a printed contribution on the occasion of the opening ‘Inside the Belly of Monstro’, a show by Minja Gu
edition of 250 copies
33 pages
text Hans Demeulenaere & Klaas Vanhee
drawings Klaas Vanhee
design Thomas Desmet

correctly placing a circle in a rectangle
Hans Demeulenaere
limited edition of 100 copies, first 20 copies include litho print
180 pages
design Hans Demeulenaere
produced and printed by Frans Masereel Centre (B)
text by Anne-Marie Poels about the publication

Politics of Installation
Hans Demeulenaere & Bas van den Hurk
64 pages
with text in English by Alex Bacon, Angelique Campens and Laura Herman
with contributions of Koenraad Dedobbeleer and Lorelinde Verhees
design Marc Nagtzaam
Roma Publications 253

h/ up
Hans Demeulenaere
64 pages + insert 8 pages
with text in English and Dutch by Kris Kimpe
design Katrien Daemers,Hans Demeulenaere and Nikolaas Demoen
Posture Editions n° 11

8 interventies
Hans Demeulenaere
48 pages
with text in Dutch by Julie Rodeyns
design Studio Luc Derycke
MER. Paper Kunsthalle